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Sunday, April 29, 2007

John Travolta Wants YOU (but not him) To Fight Global Warming

Recently, Madonna and Cheryl Crow have gotten some lousy press for their hypocrisy about global warming. They have been criticized for simultaneously being vocal activists yet requiring enormous carbon consumption for touring and playing shows. Frankly, I find such criticism unjustified. The fact is, fans pay lots of money to see spectacular stadium shows and putting on such events require huge amounts of transportation and infrastructure. Consequently, they also provide jobs for many individuals and contribute greatly to local economies. Of course such shows are responsible for a great deal of emmisions, but the shows go on because the public demands it. Musicians only tour because loads of people want to see them. Otherwise, they'ed be at home like the rest of us. Clearly, no one is holding up signs saying: BOYCOTT CONCERTS, THEY CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING. People love to make noise about saving the world, but they're clearly not read to give up their entertainment. But on the other hand, there's John Travolta...

Question Celebrity

With Hank Stuever

Flogging the British release of his film "Wild Hogs" recently, John Travolta urged everyone to "do their bit" to combat global warming, reported London's Daily Mail, which quickly calculated that Travolta -- who it says owns at least five aircraft of various sizes, which he parks at his private home/airport in Florida -- leaves an annual "carbon footprint" of pollution nearly 100 times greater than that of the average British citizen.

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